What Causes Swelling In One Leg And Foot

Edema - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Edema Request an Appointment Symptoms & causes Diagnosis & treatment Overview Edema is swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues. Edema can affect any part of the body. But it's more likely to show up in the legs and feet. Medicines and pregnancy can cause edema.

Leg swelling Causes - Mayo Clinic

By Mayo Clinic Staff Many factors — varying greatly in severity — can cause leg swelling. Leg swelling related to fluid buildup Leg swelling caused by the retention of fluid in leg tissues is known as peripheral edema. It can be caused by a problem with the venous circulation system, the lymphatic system or the kidneys.

Foot swelling or leg swelling in adults - Mayo Clinic

Symptom Checker About this Symptom Checker When to seek medical advice Get medical care as soon as possible if: You have unexplained, painful swelling of your feet or legs, particularly if it's only in one leg The swollen area becomes warm, red or inflamed The swelling is accompanied by a fever

What Causes Swelling in the Legs, Ankles & Feet [Edema]? A Doctor Explains

What causes swelling in the legs and ankles and lower extremities, in general? What are treatments for this? And is this serious? Hello! I'm Dr. Jen. I'm a Board-Certified Family Physician, on-air health expert, and video creator. Welcome to my YouTube Channel and thank you for watching this video! Let me know what you think and please ...