Diet Controlled Gestational Diabetes
Diet Controlled Gestational Diabetes. It can lead to a range of complications. Most women who have gestational diabetes give birth to healthy babies, especially when they keep their blood sugar under control, eat a healthy diet, get regular, moderate physical activity, and maintain a healthy weight.
If you have gestational diabetes, the chances of having problems with the pregnancy can be reduced by controlling your blood sugar (glucose) levels.
For many women, a healthy diet and regular exercise will control blood sugar.
1.Green Veggie Inflames Blood Sugar
2.Green Veggie Spikes Blood Sugar
3.Erratic Blood Sugar? Never Eat This Veggie
4.Erratic Blood Sugar? Avoid This “Healthy” Green Veggie
5.Green Veggie Deadly for Blood Sugar
Controlling gestational diabetes is the key to a healthy pregnancy. Learn diabetes symptoms and how to manage the condition with these informative diet Gestational diabetes develops because the hormones released during pregnancy sometimes affect insulin production. Women with GD need special care both during and after pregnancy.